Home Encyclopaedia: March 2017

Thursday 23 March 2017


A 10 year old boy decided to join judo classes despite the
fact that he had lost his left hand in a recent car accident.
The boy started his lessons with an old Japanese judo
master. The boy was learning judo very well but he couldn't
understand why even after three months of classes the
master was teaching him only one move.
The boy finally asked the teacher, "Teacher, shouldn't I be
learning more moves?"
"This is the only move you'll ever need to know", the
teacher replied.
The boy was confused with the teacher’s statement but belief in his teacher made him
continue his classes. Several months later, the teacher took the boy to his first
Surprisingly the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be
little difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and the boy
skillfully used his only move to win the match and reach finals.
This time his opponent was bigger, stronger and more
experienced. The match started and looked one sided.
Concerned that the boy might get hurt the referee called a
time out. Soon the referee was about to stop the match when
the teacher intervened and said, "I insist the match to
The match resumed, the boy used his move in a lot of pain to
win the match and the tournament. The boy became the
champion. On the way home, the boy and teacher reviewed
every move in each and every match.
The boy asked the teacher, "How did I win the tournament with only one move?"
"You won for two reasons", the teacher answered. "Firstly, you've almost mastered
one of the most difficult moves in judo and secondly, the only way your opponent
could have defended you is to grab your left hand". The teacher continued, "Though
you lost your left hand in an accident (biggest weakness), the same had become
your biggest strength".
Sometimes we feel that we have certain weaknesses and we try to
blame people, circumstances or ourselves. We never understand that
our weaknesses can become our major strengths if utilized


  •   Mothers’  Day is celebrated  on 7th of January.  
  •  On this day we honor our dear mother,
  • Mothers are the precious gift of God.
  •  We see Gods love in her.
  • Mother word is very simple, but we con not measure her unconditional love
  •  Her guidance is like a small lamp in the dark forest that helps us day by in life journey.
  •   she is like a skilled potter molding and forming the tender  young mind.
  •  She is the second creator.
  •  Whatever we are today because of our Mothers.
  •   Mothers are  friend, guide and philosophers.
  •   Mothers are irreplaceable.
  •  East or west mothers are the best.
  •  Thank you dear Mothers for everything. 
  • I pray to God to bless you and guide you in every step of your life. 


Tree, tree you are so high
You can touch the sky
You give us fruit
So that we get juice
You takes water from root
And transfer it to school
You turn solar energy to wood
So that we get food
You give us water
You give us shade
But we cut you wih our
Iron made glimmer axe

Idigestion and Constipation:

For indigestion take a drink made of a spoonful of ginger juice, a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with a bottle of soda.  Solt or sugar can also be added.
Put 2 or 3 tender leaves of "tulasi" in a glass of water overnight and drink this water early in the morning.  This will clean your bowels and purify your blood.
Treatment for indigestion: Eat a little "ajwain" or, heat a glass of buttermilk and water with a little jeera (Cumminseed), curry leaf and bruised dry or fresh ginger, This will make a refreshing drink at night.
By Using a small piece of ginger in your daily food in any form you can be free from indigestion and other stomach troubles. Ginger is like a digestive tonic.

  • Here are a few more home remedies for indigestion:
  1.   Eat a little ajwain (voma) or drink a little of its decoction (kasaya).
  2. Eat a little burnt onion or burnt garlic.
  3. Mix a little pepper powder, lime juice and salt which a few slices of raw radish and eat it.
  4. Eat a cardamom fruit together with a ripe plantain daily before going to bed in the night.
  5. Mix a pinch of cooking salt and a tsp. of lime juice, dissolve it in a little water and drink it.
  6. Proper exercise is a reliable remedy for longstanding indigestion.
  7. Patients with cronic indigestion should forgo evening meals(dinner) and practice taking fruits and/or raw vegetables.
  8. practice mastigating your food thoroughly.  Do not eat between meals.  Practice deep breathing about 10 - 12 times half an hour before every meal.  Drink half glass of hot water before retiring every night.
  9. Finely grind the following 40 gms of tender budding leaves of Ekka (Calatropis gingantea), 200 gms. pepper and 50 gms of rock salt (Saindavalavana), prepare half inch diameter tablets out of this and daily eat one tablet in a little water for some days.
  10. Take equal quantities of dry ginger, gingelly, and jagery, grind or powder them together, dissolve 6 gms of this powder in half glass of milk and drink it daily in the early morning of 6 days.

  • Few Home Remedies for Constipation: 
  1. Mix castor oil with old tamarind pulp, prepare a paste and insert it into the opening of the annus.  Bowels will move immediately.
  2. Take the leaves of country fig(Athi; Ficus glomerata) mash or pound them along with a little rice water, squeeze out the juice, and 50 gms. of sugar candy and eat it daily for 12 dys.  There will be free movement of bowels.
  3. Rub the root of castor plant mix this paste with about 25 gms. of butter and gradually sip it.
  4. Mix th root of kadeer (Sida cordifolia) and giner and boil them in water to reduce it to 1/8 its quantity sprinkle a little gingelly oil and drink it twice daily for a few days.  There will be free movement of bowels.
  5. Eat a plantain or a thick slice of ripe papaya fruit before going to bed at night.
  6. Have your meals at fixed time.  Drink a glass of hot water half and hour before breakfast and half an hour before retiring at night.  Make a habit of answering calls of nature at fixed time every day.
  7. Squeeze out the juice of bottle gourd and a little salt and dring it daily for some days.  This will cure chronic constipation.
  8. Boil horse gram in water, strain and add lime juice and salt to this water and drink one glass full of this solution once daily for a few days.
  9. Take ripe papaya fruit (sliced) mix it with a little each of cummin seed powder, pepper powder, and salt and eat it daily.  This will cure constipation, indigestion and worm  trouble.
  10. Take 25 gms. of plantain fruit, mixed with half its quantity of tamarind pulp, grind it to a paste and eat if=t for 2 to 3 days.
  11. Never tke purgatives for the cure of the stoppage of bowel movement (constipation).  Purgatives will weaken the intestines and the faculty of natural bowel movement and will ultimately lead to damage of the inner walls of intestines resulting in dysentery, intestinal wound and ultimate development of piles.
  12. Too much intake of laxatives can make you habituated to them; instead, depend more on vegetable soups before dinner every night.  Your system will rarely need  digestives then.
  13. In case the constipation does not respond to ordinary treatments, enema may be taken twice a week even during the aforesaid other treatments.
  14. For the cure of constipation of old people or others will chronic constipation: Take two ounces of curds, one ounce of milk foam, 2 tbsp. of gingelly oil and 2 tbsp. of jaggery syrup, mix all together and eat it daily for a few days.
  15. Never fail to answer calls of nature when the urge arises.
  16. If you want to get rid of constipation, add 1 tbsp. of "Isabgol" to half cup of boiling milk and drink it just before retiring to bed.

Value of Inner Beauty

Beauty without inner qualities is a woefully overrated endowment. But one should not think that inner qualities alone are enough. We shoul...